Matrix Coffeehouse- Music Arts Food & Community since 1995

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 The Matrix Coffeehouse is Closed :(



What sort of shows does The Matrix Coffeehouse book?
        Most commonly, we book music; but we have also been known to book comedians, story-tellers, poets and the occasional one act play or dramatic reading.  As far a genres of music go, we book a pretty wide variety-- classical, jazz, blues, rock, punk rock, country, bluegrass, funk, experimental, etc..  We book primarily original material, not cover bands.  We book what we like and/or what we feel has positive artistic and/or community building merits.  We do not book anything we consider to have hateful or destructive motivations nor that which we feel promotes hate and destructiveness.

When do shows happen?
        We have concerts/events on Friday and Saturday nights-- generally 8PM for blues/folk/jazz/quieter and 9PM for rock/punk/louder.  We do occasionally book feature spots at our Open Mic, which happens every Thursday from ~6PM until ~10PM, but pay = sell your merchandise, "pass the hat" for tips, and possibly dinner and find you a place to stay (Open Mic attendance varies from some(~10) to many(~80)).  We are booking other nights- Sundays and Wednesdays- during the warm months but it may be more difficult to promote off-night shows here than in more populated areas- promote, but be warned that there may not be much of a crowd.

How big is the place and does it have a sound system?
        Here is a floor plan (acrobat file).  Yes, we have a sixteen channel system:  Mackie board, Crown amps, JBL mains (stereo), two JBL monitors w/ different mixes, 1 fx unit, stereo compressor, stereo graphic for mains (eq generally unnecessary in monitors), decent(Shure) to good(EV, AKG, Crown, etc.) mics, some DIs.  More outboard and another monitor possible-- send tech sheet for larger set up. A high quality stereo board tap CD of your set is available for $30 and includes some light mastering and cutting the show into song tracks.

What does it pay?
        Standard arrangement: 50% of a $6 cover charge plus discount on food, and performer keeps all money from day-of-show sales of their merchandise.  Payment happens at end of show by cash or check; dinner happens from 5PM until the show and can happen after the show for performers.  We also might be able to find a place for you to stay the night of your show-- ask us while discussing a particular date.  Promote, promote, promote. A high quality stereo board tap CD of your set is available for $30 and includes some light mastering and cutting the show into song tracks.
        If you are a higher profile artist, or represent one, who would like to do a concert here, tell us what you want/need and we may be able to get there.  We have been successful with higher profile shows.

What kind of crowd will be there?
        Crowd size varies.  Generally, shows that get promoted by both us and the performer(s) have more people at them.  We don't serve alcohol, so we are always all ages, sometimes meaning adults, families & sometimes meaning youth, and our crowds tend to be attentive, critical listeners who show the artists respect.  Having a decent sound system and an attentive sound engineer, CD's tend to sell well at shows.

Guest Lists?
        No, do not expect a guest list unless we come to an arrangement when the show gets booked.

How far ahead is it booked?
        We generally book at least two months in advance and will book up to the end of the year. Three to four months in advance is common. Check our events for a missing Friday or Saturday date if you want to play sooner than that.  If you'd like to be on our list of bands to contact about last minute openings: notice list

So how does one actually get a gig?
1. Email us a link to your website with downloadable music, bio & PR stuff, and a link
    to a color photo at least 200dpi at ~ 5" x 7" if possible,
audition at Open Mic., or send a demo
(with press pack if avail. and tech sheet if necessary), please call or email about not-music events (email preferred)
2. Wait 2-3 weeks for us to listen to it or for stuff to get to us (or talk to us after audition).
3. email(preferred): with desired/available date(s).
    or call Thursday or Friday between 4:30PM and 7:00PM or Saturday between 2:00PM and 7:00PM
    or leave message earlier/on other days w/ slowly & clearly enunciated contact # and desired date.
    Please do not call after 7:30PM Thurs.-Sat., we have a show going on and cannot talk to you. 
4. Then, we want/don't want to book you, have/don't have the date you want,  and/or can/cannot
    agree to a payment arrangement.  Hopefully, we want to book you, have the date you want
    available and can agree to a payment arrangement.
5. Should things work out, please confirm your show at The Matrix Coffeehouse no later than
    one month before the date of the show.
6. PROMOTE your show with us.
7. Cancellations:
  A) Please don't cancel; cancellation makes successful shows more difficult for everyone.
  B) We request notice of more than one month in advance if you have to cancel.
  C) We realize that emergency and other unavoidable circumstances arise; we will do our best
       to work with you.  Please work with us by telling us as soon as you know of any difficulties.
        Generally, it's really a struggle to find a new act, promote it adequately and finish promotion for the
    other shows while busy scrambling to fill a date in less than a month.  Also note that every time an act
    cancels a show it's inevitable that someone who has already heard about the show won't hear about
    the cancellation, call or show up on the day of the show, and be greatly disappointed-- sometimes to
    the point of saying, "Sure they're going to be there," when we tell them the act is scheduled again.
D) Late notice cancellations may cause your act to be regarded as too untrustworthy for future bookings.

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       Most weeks, we have between 140 and 280 fliers posted in downtown Chehalis, downtown Centralia, downtown and westside Olympia, Centralia College, and The Evergreen State College for the next four events happening here.

We can:
1. design, duplicate and post ~35-70 B&W 8 1/2" by 11" fliers for each show and/or use/modify
    your fliers and post/duplicate (B&W) what you send us to post in the areas mentioned with
    your website address included (if you provide one)
2. email our monthly schedule (with a link should you provide one) to our patron list of ~350 people
    and put our shows (with a link should you provide one) on the events page (& music sample if available)
    as well as our monthly print schedule, which is available at the venue
3. play your CD for people we think might like it here at the venue and announce your
    upcoming show at similar events
4. send press releases to the applicable contacts on our press list (available as Text Format or
    Portable Document Format) if you provide the necessary materials (prepared packages or
    things to say about you and photos, online preferred) and you ask us to send them
     Note: we don't usually send press releases for harder rock/punk rock shows
5. do the extra promotion and advertisement we feel necessary for higher profile shows
6. tell our friends and acquaintances about shows we're really excited about
7. try to find local acts for you to play with
8. link you on our links page

You can:
1. send/bring us one B&W 8 1/2" by 11" master flier and any duplicates and/or gloss posters
    you want us to put up or at very least provide us resources for making a flier (photos & things
    to say about you, online preferred) and duplicate/post additional fliers/posters if you can. Our logo.
2. maintain an email list everywhere you tour and let your audience know about every show
    they can see you at in their area
3. send/bring us a something to play for our customers (if you haven't already) and send a copy to
    any radio station in the area that will play it (better chance with the public stations, call commercial
     stations for info) and set up radio interviews/performances when possible
4. send press releases to the applicable contacts on our press list yourself: Text or Acrobat
    and/or contact local acts about playing a show with you
5. provide us with the means to promote a higher profile performance (very good promo/photos,
     email & mail lists, sponsor names, glossy posters--in addition to B&W master, logos etc.)
6. let your friends/family/acquaintances-from-the-road know about your shows
7. please mention that we serve food and give our web address & Our logo on press and posters
8. provide a link to us:


The Press List-- in Text Format or in Acrobat Format
The Address--
Matrix Coffeehouse logo-- for the flyers

Other contacts for finding local bands/shows--




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